About Thinking Out Loud

If you’re here then you’re probably wondering two things.

What’s this blog all about?

Good question.

This blog aims to be a helpful guide for anyone looking to get into or learn more about Product Management. 

If this sounds like you, welcome, you’re not alone. 

When I got into product management in 2020, I wanted to learn in the open, I hoped that the upkeep of this blog would help me to stay committed to the learning and sharing of new ideas and concepts that will help me to become a better product manager.

It’s worked so far, so I’ve kept it up.

OK, I get that, but who are you?

Profile picutre

I’m Michael Palmer, a Senior Product Manager at the BBC – find my on LinkedIn here

I’m also the co-host of Product Confidential – a podcast about the reality of life as a PM!

After a decade in digital marketing awkwardly late to the party — I first heard of The Agile Manifesto in 2019. I found it fascinating and embarked on a period of research that led to me deciding that I really wanted to work in an agile team, specifically as a product manager.

After lots of reading, meetups, e-courses and good fortune, I’m really pleased to be embarking on a career in product, working as an associate product manager for the Department for Education.

Whilst this blog is in no way connected to the Civil Service, I may, from time to time, and with permission from my employer, reference what I learn within the DfE.

That being said, unless stated otherwise, all the views shared will be my own and not representative of the DfE or its product management community. 

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